In sculling, each rower has two oars which allows for individuals to row in single-person boats, providing more flexibility and independence. Certified single rowers have access to sculls on their own schedules.

Our Sculling Program operates from the City of Eureka’s Adorni Recreation Center at the foot of L Street (1011 Waterfront Drive).

Beginning Sculling Private Lessons (by appointment only)

This course teaches boat handling skills, safety, and introduces the basics of sculling, accomplished in two 2-hour lessons, usually held on consecutive days. Successful completion of this class, based on approval of the instructor, allows the participant to become a “certified independent” rower and member of HBRA.

    $150/new rowers

    $50/sweep rowers learning to scull — with coach’s approval

Intermediate Advanced Private Lessons (by appointment only)

(For those looking for further instruction or an individualized training plan.)


Membership Fees for Independent Scullers:

    $360/one year

    $180/six months

    $90/three months


Call 707 267-7976 for more information.