Head Coach – Chris Dadd
Chris Dadd, an HSU alumni, has been coaching rowing for 25 years. Coach Chris loves rowing for its beauty, challenge, fitness, teamwork and most of all the camaraderie it builds in a team.
From Chris:

I started rowing on the HSU men’s lightweight team in 1978.
I have coached scullers and done sculling lessons at Open Water Rowing Center in Sausalito(25 years)
I coached at Berkeley High School for the Men’s team for 20 years(4 Novice, 16 varsity)
I coached the Lake Merritt Masters women’s team for 10 years.
These were all concurrent with one another so I have been coaching for 25 years.
At BHS we went to the Youth Nationals 8 out of the 16 years. We medaled 3 times, with a national championship in 2006 in the light 4.
Also coached the LMRC masters women’s 4 to a fourth place finish at Head of the Charles twice, once in the Club 4, once in the 40 plus 4.
I row because the sport is beautiful, personally challenging, and keeps me fit. I also really like the camaraderie and teamwork of rowing.
I coach because I enjoy working with the people who gravitate toward rowing. I like seeing progress of rowers at any level, and coaching boats that win races doesn’t hurt either!
Assistant Coach – Juniors – Shenae Bishop

Sculling Instructor – Laura Miller

Laura Miller began sculling in 2004. She has attended sculling clinics put on by All-American Rowing, Buzz Congram and HBRA’s own coaching staff. She rows and completes with HBRA’s Masters Team. As a sculling instructor, Laura certifies individuals who want to scull both on Humboldt Bay and elsewhere. This certification includes sculling technique, docking and launching procedures, traffic patterns, dump and recovery protocols, and general safe boating rules. Laura likes nothing better than to share her love of sculling with others and to get them involved in this amazing sport.